Tag Archives: Broadway shows

B: Broadway & Bidets

A to Z Challenge: My theme this year is NYC before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

BROADWAY: I’m up to 19 Broadway shows; 14 since we moved here last March. TKTS, the discounted ticket vendor had become my go-to app. With the exception of a few, I knew little to nothing about most of the performances before seeing them, which is I believe is half the fun.

Technically, Cyrano was off-Broadway, but up until the mid-1800s, the heart of Broadway was located at Union Square where we got to see Mr. Dinklage. Check out TheaterSeatStore for some fun facts about the history of Broadway, like this gem:

“During the back half of the century, there were fewer prostitutes in the audience which in turn increased the number of women who attended theater.”

Because performances are suspended, actors are finding ways to raise money AND still keep us entertained. The #BWayHandWashChallenge encourages Broadway stars to sing show tunes while washing their hands for 20 seconds, all the while raising money for theater charities.

On to another hygiene challenge . . .

BIDETS: That’s what in those boxes. Not one, but two bidets.

Do we need two? No. Do we need one? No. Does The Husband need to sleep at night? Yes. Not knowing where his next roll of toilet paper was going to come from, simply became too much–for us both.

Surprisingly, unlike a lot of places, it hasn’t been an issue getting tissue here in Brooklyn. I hope I can return these bidets.